ten causes why London is such a great city to live in

It is no secret that London is one particular of the most amazing cities to live in the world and to work. If you are thinking to move there, we have come up with ten causes why it is such a excellent place for its inhabitants ... not that you need to have any far more causes!

1. It is genuinely the land of opportunity

London was to function in the world lately as the world's most desirable place, beating cities such as New York and Paris, to the top spot. It is not surprising, although, as it is the residence of so many worldwide businesses gives special possibilities to their staff.

London Bridge (Tower Bridge), England

Image by Anirudh Koul by means of Flickr

two. The mall is obviously extremely

London is identified for its shopping and rightly so! From quirky markets Southwark, to high-end division retailers such as Harrods, there is some thing for every single taste and price range.

Westfield Shopping Centre, Stratford, London

Image by Berit Watkin by means of Flickr

3. It is so multicultural

With more than 300 different Languages ​​spoken in London, and London, which recognized as the world's most visited city, it really is fair to say that the British capital is 1 of the most culturally diverse cities in the planet.

St Paul's Cathedral Pinnacle and London Eye

Image by JA Alcaide by way of Flickr

four. There are some actually wonderful neighborhoods and communities

From Camden to Croydon, you are sure to find a spot in London that you love and that fits your life style and to find your demands. You can massive specific attributes you will locate right here - it really is a fantastic location to start, to

 London, UK

Image by Mariusz Kluzniak by way of Flickr

5 way about it and to other locations is so merely

When you have your head about the pipe, you'll wonder how you ever got around prior to anywhere. Likewise, with 4 key airports in London, you can just let it ... must you wish!

Saturday Night Bus (Nighthawks), London

Image by Chris JL via Flickr

six. There is always one thing to see and do right here

No matter what time of year it is, or even what time of day it is, there is constantly something to see and do in London. From planet-renowned landmarks such as Massive Ben and globe class galleries such as the Tate Modern day, far more quirky spots like the cat café, there is anything for everyone.


Image by Alex Loach by way of Flickr

7. The food is excellent

British meals a unfair reputation, and in London will aid to prove how incorrect that reputation is. Of excellent high quality street festival markets Michelin star restaurants, there actually is something for everyone.

Creperie, Camden Town, London, England

Image by José Miguel through Flickr

eight. There is a large music scene

From big venues to fit thousands to intimate clubs to match a couple of hundred, there are musical events galore in London, and there are constantly going gigs and concerts in a number of various musical genres.

O2 Arena, London, UK

Image by by way of Flickr raghavvidya

9. It is a lot more expensive to reside, safe ... but wages are greater!

They are horror stories how expensive it is to live there, and yes, it is heard quite pricey, but wages are also higher and employment opportunities are unbeatable.

Barbican Gardens, London, UK

Image by Simon Hadleigh Sparks through Flickr

ten. You are obliged to somebody who lives


As of 2013 there have been much more than eight.308 million people live in London (thanks to Google), so it's fair to say, you will never ever be alone there. You're actually likely somebody who already lives there, or at least the friend of a pal, knowing, for example.

London Eye Christmas Winter Blues

Image by Simon Hadleigh Sparks via Flickr

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